Master Ministry 006 – The Initial Survey of a Country and People Group

This episode is all about how to do the initial survey of a country in anticipation of determining the strategy to employ in reaching the people groups with the gospel of Jesus Christ. In our trip into Thailand and Burma we were especially interested in the Shan people of Myanmar. I do a quick walk through on the internet showing you some of the sites where you wil...

Master Ministry Live 001 – The Big Mistake to Avoid in Ministry to Be Approved of God

The All, Some and Few Distinction you must make to be clear about a Biblical ministry The robbery in that forced me to produce Master Ministry The missing ingredient in most ‘visions’ for ministry The 1970’s influence that is still destroying churches today How a meta-narrative will keep you from misusing your Bible The real reason you can...

Master Ministry LIVE Podcast launches tomorrow at 11AM EST!

Yes, this blog is still under construction! Pardon the dust. But the first Video Podcast will launch tomorrow. Here are the details. Master Ministry Podcast launches tomorrow at 11AM EST! It is all about Tools, Tips and Truths to Advance Ministry for the Master and Make an Eternal Impact To Register for this Live Podcast: {CLICK HERE} What is it? It is the first video podcast meant ...