I told you that I would let you in on this if there were enough comments. We got them, so here it is. My BLESS Plan.
I suggest that you don’t wait to take the trash out until the end of the week. Do it every day. It doesn’t hurt if you do it during the day a few times, if you need to. But at least once at the end of the day you need to take out the trash.
So here it is—my BLESS Plan.
B stands for blessings. Oh, my soul, don’t get caught up with all your problems. Look first at what are the blessings for the day. Recount them and make a mental note or a physical note of them. I think it would be wiser if I had done that through all my life. If I had made a physical note of every blessing it would be a long list and a big book today, I am sure. I like to end every day thinking about what God has done during the day. Sometimes, the blessings get to be so many I have a hard time going to sleep.
Master Ministry 039 – How to Take Out the Trash with the BLESS Plan
L stands for learn. What did I learn—what life lesson has God taught me today? There might be one, two or three or more. I try to think about those and make a mental note of them.
E stands for excused. What have I excused today—in my words, in my behavior, in my thoughts? What have I excused? What do I need to go back and confess as sin? What do I need to make right with others? What do I need to make right with God? And what do I need to take out of this so that in the days going forward I can still serve Christ honorably?
SS stands for Serve the Savior, looking at tomorrow and setting up a plan to serve Him. Don’t spend all your time looking in the back mirror. Take a look at the future. Look through the windshield going forward. Figure out where you are headed. How am I going to serve the Savior tomorrow? Make a plan for it tonight, so tomorrow you can serve Him.
That is my BLESS plan. Hey, give it a try. It has worked for me for a long time. God Bless!
If you are ready to get out of your box that holds your ministry back and get into the book shoot me an email at pdhammett @ gmail.com
We will talk and see if I can recommend a course of action for you.